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The Education Act of Ontario requires that students attend school regularly and punctually each day.

Regular, punctual attendance is critical to a student’s academic success. While parents have the option of registering children in Kindergarten, all registered students are required to be at school. That being said, we would expect that students  who are sick will remain at home. Please note, however, that students who are at school will be following regular routines, so that only those with a request from a doctor will be permitted to remain indoors at recess times.

To ensure our students’ safe arrival at school, we ask that you please leave a message on the school voice mail 705.675.6198 before 8:30 am to notify us that your child will be absent or late. If you know your child will be away for an appointment, etc., you may inform the school by sending a signed note the day before. The school Elementary Administrative Assistant will call home for all absent students when there is no message.

When a student has missed 15 school days in a school year, the parents will be contacted by the Principal. After 15 days of absences, students must be referred to the Board’s attendance counsellor who may contact the parents.

Late Arrival

Students arriving at school late must report to the office to check in. It is imperative that the school has the name of an alternative person to contact (friend, neighbour, relative) in the event that the parent/guardian cannot be reached.